November 9, 2017 • 9:30am
Thursday November 9, 2017-9:30 A.M.
In the Ruritan Building, Clarke County Fairgrounds, Berryville, VA
(9 miles E. of Winchester, off VA 7, see signs at W. entrance to
Berryville) 890 West Main Street Berryville. VA 22611
Our November 9th auction features a collection of Period antiques from Leesburg, VA; Henkel-Harris from Martinsburg, WV; and a variety of other antiques and accessories as our customers downsize or move out of our area. These groups combine to make a very diversified and quality offering. See our photo gallery at or ID( 2091) drawers, bottom has 3 long drawers, Chippendale brasses, bracket feet, oak secondary/ Mahogany chest, 2 over 3 long drawers chamfered corners, solid ends, oval brasses, bracket feet, pine secondary, English, ca. 1800/ Mahogany “Headley Chest”, 4 drawers, reeded corners, OG feet, veneered drawer fronts/ Mahogany Philadelphia style high boy, broken arch top, carved frieze, 3 over 3 long drawers in top, cabriole legs/ Mahogany flat top highboy.
DESKS: Mahogany slant front desk, 2 over 3 drawers, center door interior has center door with drawers & pigeon holes,4 drawers below writing lid, bracket feet, mahogany secondary, pine back, only 30” W/ Mahogany slant front desk, step out interior has pagoda over center door, pigeon holes & drawers, base has long drawer over 2 drawers over 2 long drawers, bracket feet, oak secondary/ Ladies desk.
MORE: Mahogany Hepplewhite style sideboard, rounded ends, cross band & fan inlay on doors and ends, line & bell flower inlay on tapered legs, 70” long/ Cane seat fireside bench, fluted legs/ Mahogany rice carved tall post bed, queen size/ Maple pencil post bed (made from a kit)/ Cradle.
NOTE: Clowe’s Jewelry store work bench & stool/ Handley High School hall tree.
CHESTS: Mahogany chest on chest, top has crown mold over pierced frieze, fluted chamfered corners, 3 over 3 long
HENKEL-HARRIS: Cherry corner cupboard, crown mold, 9 pane glass door, raised panel doors in base, bracket feet/ Cherry sideboard, drawers over raised panel doors, bracket feet/ Pr. 2 level end tables/ 2 Cherry drop leaf dining table, tapered legs/ 6 Cherry brace back Windsor chairs/ Double dresser/ Double cannonball bed.
BIGGS: Mahogany inlaid kneehole dressing table with tapered leg stool/ Mahogany double poster bed, turned posts/ Pr. Tall post single beds, inlaid posts, arched canopy’s.
CHAIRS: Pr. Queen Anne arm chairs/ Pr. French Victorian rose carved arm chairs/ Victorian Gent’s chair/Square back arm chair/ Slipper chair/ Pr. Empire side chairs/ Baby rocker/ Tape seat stool/ Haywood-Wakefield side chair/ 2 Sets of mahogany Chippendale dining chairs. UPHOLSTERED: Mahogany Sheraton sofa, reeded arms into reeded legs, flame veneer back, 8 legs/ Kittinger sofa, rounded back, molded Chippendale legs, stretcher base, rolled arms, 6 leg/ Adams wing chair, gilded frame is carved and has fluted legs/ Wing chairs/ Bed headboard.
CUPBOARDS: Mahogany wall cupboard, broken arch top with finial, two 13 pane glass doors, base has 2 drawers over paneled doors, tall tapered legs have line inlay/ Mahogany china cupboard, crown mold, two 10 pane glass doors, glass paneled ends/ Mahogany breakfront, broken arch top center section over dentil mold, 4 glass doors over 4 paneled doors/ Pine handmade corner cupboard, crown mold, two 3 pane glass doors in top over 2 paneled doors/ Walnut solid end jelly safe, paneled doors/ Maple bookcase, leaded glass top panel in glass doors, glass end panels.
TABLES: Sheraton 2 drawer bedside table, mahogany drawer fronts/ 2 fruitwood coffee tables, cross band tops, Queen Anne legs/ Oval mahogany tip top table, Hepplewhite legs/ Yellow pine coffee table, tapered legs, 24” x 57”/ Cut corner marble top Victorian table/ Silent butler stand/ Tall wig stand/ Muffin stand/ Dressing table/ Martha Washington sewing table/ 2 Level piecrust table/ Mahogany Duncan Phyfe style dining table, 2 pedestals, cross band inlay on top/ 1940 Chrome & agate breakfast table/ Pine drop leaf table/ Drop leaf end table.
OAK: Ice box, F.E. Whitman-Clinton, ME, front has mirror over 2 doors, side door in top, 82” T x 38” W/ Sideboard, mirror back/ Flat wall china cupboard/ Low display case, glass top & sides, 88’L x 48”T x 26” deep/ Ladies desk/ Larkins desk/ Chip carved chest of drawers/ End table/ Bookcase, glass door & ends, 2 drawers in bottom/ Oak washstand.
MIRRORS: Florentine mirror/ Chippendale mirror/ 3 Section gold leaf Adams mantle mirror, 6’L/ Chippendale mirror with rice stem cartouche/ Cheval mirror. ART: Oil portrait, 2 children, 40” x 48”/ 2 Other oil portraits/ R.E. Lee steel engraving/ Hunt prints/ Currier & Ives prints/ Wallace Nutting colored photograph/ Kunstler print, “Berryville Court House”/ Dog painting/ Many frames/ John Chumley prints- Paris Mountain/ Eugene B. Smith prints/ Watercolor- Spaulding/ Hunt print- T.F. Fontaine/ The Grand National- Michael Lyne/ Harry Joiner oil- 6” x 14”/ Winchester prints/ Remington bronze, Bronco buster, 24” T.
MISCELLANEOUS: 2 Crystal chandeliers/ Pr. Candle sconces/ Chalk bust/ Empire clock/ Brass clock with 2 side vases/ Ships lantern/ Churn/ Spinning wheels/ Iron airplane door stoop/ Floor model radio/ 75+ Alabaster eggs/ Butter molds & butter prints/ Stoneware crocks/ Lap desk/ Sugar bucket/ Doll trunk/ Paper dolls/ Comb case/ Brass candlesticks, bucket/ Wooden toys, other toys/ Egg carrier/ String holder/ Scales/ Christening dress/ Chamber pot/ Pinball machine- Gottleb & Co. Big Shot/ Stanley #45 molding plane in box/ Longaberger baskets/ Tom Clark gnomes/ Linens/ Table lamps/ Toledo store scales, white enamel/ Metal print- map cases/ Decoys/ Ink wells/ Brass bell/ Chinese lamp/ Bronze horse head bookends/ Horse pull toy/ Trading cards/ Iron cat bank/ Framed maps.
GLASS: Fostoria stemware/ Carnival glass/ Pressed. CHINA: Blue Willow china/ Blue Dresden/ Christmas Noritake china/ USA Haviland/ Lenox birds. SILVER: Sterling Lund Flatware, “Modern Victorian”, 35 Pieces/ Silver plated serving pieces.
Headley’s Auctions Since 1945
Lunch on Premises (540) 662-6350 Deliveries Arranged
Joe L. Headley / VA #381 Joe L. Headley, Jr. / VA # 1820
Boyd G. Headley Jr. / 1921-2003 Glynnell Headley / 1922-2012